Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rain and Work (and Fun)

Today marks the first of potentially many days to come of torrential rain in the town of St. Andrews. It also marks the first day that I have come to the realization that I have a ton of schoolwork to do before we get a week off in early November. I have an essay about the "Sanctity of Gerald of Aurilac" due next week on Friday, and by November 3rd I am supposed to have written a 1,200 word report on the economics of Dundee for Geography. There is also a group project due that same day for Geoscience on the Yellowstone Caldera. This comes immediately following a very fun and much more interesting Tuesday night in which:

1. John Burnet (my dorm) dominated at interhall basketball (I scored three baskets)
2. I went to a pub with my friends, one of which was still wearing the pink bunny mascot suit.
3. I went to the "bop" and danced the night away.
4. I went to a flat and ate hash browns with my friends at around 2 AM.

Now that the work is really piling on, I am devoting the majority of my free time this weekend to school work, which won't be hard seeing that I will be in Dundee all day Saturday taking notes about the different neighborhood structures. Well, enough of my whining. I guess I am in college after all.


Uncle Jeff said...


Good luck with the homework. I'm glad to be out of college! Besides, Yellowstone, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. BTW, is that the Yellowstone National Park?

Uncle Jeff

Anonymous said...

Yeah it is Yellowstone National Park. Apparently the entire park is part of one giant volcano that is structured similarly to Mt. St. Helens, only if this one blows the eruption will be 100 times bigger.