Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kinlochleven- Day 1

After spending the night in a very nice hostel, we set out at around nine in the morning on Saturday from the town of Kinlochleven with a goal of reaching the summit of three "munros". For those of you who have no idea what that is, which should be all of you, a munro is a Scottish summit of over 3000 feet. Compared to the mountains in California that may seem pretty small, but if you consider that we started the hike from sea level, it was definitely quite a climb. The first summit that we reached three hours later was called "Sgurr nan Iubhar" at 3284 feet (see video), and I had a nice lunch at the top. Unfortunately it was covered in clouds, so there wasn't much of a view. The second munro we reached was "Am Bodach" at 3392 feet and finally "Stob Coire a Chairr" at 3225 feet. The only thing harder than climbing these mountains was trying to pronounce their names! All in all the trip was about 8 miles and gave me my first real taste of the Scottish highlands. Luckily, Sunday would prove to be much clearer with better views of the surrounding mountains.

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