Friday, September 29, 2006

Fernie Castle, Golf, School

Last night, almost the entire hall went to an annual party at a place called Fernie Castle, about a 25 minutes drive away from St. Andrews. It was the first semi-formal party of the year. Unfortunately the castle was not as grand as I expected, it is more like a hotel made out of stone, but the party was great. Also, I think I can tie a neck tie now. Don't laugh, that's big news for me. Anyways, the party was great with lots of dancing and fun and I got to me a lot more people from my dorm, and I think I have pretty much met all 106 of them now.

As for golf, I played the New Course on Wednesday, similar to the Jubilee, but enjoyed the New Course a little more. My friend Sean, from the Orkney Islands to the north, and I were going to put our names in the daily ballot for the Old Course to play on Monday morning, but the Dunhill Links Championship is coming to town next week, so we'll have to wait. This is a Pro-Am Tournament featuring many European Pros plus Ernie and Vijay and then celebrities like Samuel L. and Hugh Grant. It should be really fun to watch and students get in the ropes for free.

The first official week of school has just come to an end today. I've plotted points on maps in a Geography practical, identified different types of minerals in a Geoscience practical, and learned about the importance of the clergy in the middle-ages of Europe. The work hasn't been terribly difficult and the reading not too intense, but it seems it will get a little heavier as the weeks go on. I'm also getting great workouts power-walking across town from History to Geography in 10 minutes every day.

To conclude, it is surprisingly staying virtually rain-free so far in St. Andrews apart from one afternoon a couple days ago. I'm sure the rain will come, but I'm enjoying the nice weather as it lasts. So long!

*Any questions? Post a comment to ask me and I'll try to answer back.*

1 comment:

Uncle Jeff said...


At the Amex last year I drove Bradley Dredge, Richard Green and Stephen Dodd. They will all most likely be at the Dunhill. Last year the Dunhill was the week before the Amex. This year it's a week after as they are playing the Grove in England this week.

Tell them I said they would remember me! Richard is the Australian who told me he would love for his kids to go to St. Andrews for school. Stephen and Bradley one the AMEX world team title last year.

Take care. I am thoroughly enjoying the "ledger".

Uncle Jeff