Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Lightning Storm

I'm currently relaxing in the comfort of Lloyd's luxurious home in Pretoria, experiencing the 'civilized' life for the first time in a month. Tomorrow I'll be visiting Genalysis, a geological laboratory service in Johannesburg, so I'll probably get to play with expensive lasers and things like that.

With the aid of faster internet, I have uploaded this video for your enjoyment of a nice little lightning strike I caught on camera the other night. It was taken from the doorstep of my house, looking east to the nearby hill that houses the mine's armoury on top of it. As we left Klipwal early this morning, a larger thunderstorm was brewing and we were hit with the first big rain of the season. News back from the mine is that all the power is out at the moment, so it looks like we left just in time!

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